Friday, January 16, 2009

dear dave,

last night, just before I left work, I discovered a gold mine of cool blogs and beautiful pictures. By far my favorite is JD Ferguson, a photographer based in NYC. Such amazing work. EXACTLY what I love right now.

I just wanted to suck him up, and absorb him. How can somebody manage to speak to my creative heart so clearly? I felt needy and jealous at the same time. How do I communicate with him, without coming off as a stalker needy psycho? I don't know the answer.

Its all fear and self consciousness. How is he going to see ME? an equal, a lessor, a wannabe? That's what it all comes down to. Then I think about how I have responding to people who have been super enthusiastic about my work. Its runs the gamut. Mostly I feel really flattered, but part of me always says to myself, they don't know what they are talking about. I can easily discount it.

Anyway, i just love this guys work. I just-fucking-love-it.

Also samuel zakuto.

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