Monday, June 8, 2009

dear dave,

I have been so down on myself. Sucks to feel this way.

I think it started Saturday, when I let the entire day slip away from me. Things just continued downhill from there. Went to ARTOMATIC saturday night, and just as I feared and dreaded, my poor trees had dried up. I hadn't been there to water them for almost a week, so I expected the worst.

That made me feel like such a failure. I feel so bad for letting them die. Taking them from the woods, and killing them. That's just not right.

All my postcards were taken, and a few nasty comments were left in my book. Made me feel a little shitty I guess. Not a lot of positives to go with many negatives. Nobody felt compelled to write anything positive? I'm not really sure how to interpret that.

We walked the show a bit, but it gets overwhelming pretty fast. I'm planning to go back Wednesday with new trees, and more postcards. I think the lesson is to just check in often, and keep a positive attitude.

I feel sort of crazed about my photos from Saturday. I just CANT seem to get a collection together that makes me content. I will just have to settle with what I've done, and move on. I'm not sure what that's about.

I took Remi for a long(ish) walk in rock Creek Sunday. A chance to relax and recharge. I love the woods - they feed me. All the smells and sounds. Remi usually goes wild, but the heat made her sluggish.

Its funny, because she is EXACTLY the same dogs as the tiny puppy I picked up 7 years ago, July 2nd. All her little quirks were in place and ingrained. The stopping and smelling. The crazy puddle energy bursts. The food hunting (totally ignoring me). She's my baby! My wonderful Remi

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I'll tell you what my sister always tells me when I get down on myself... Right now, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You just have to keep a positive attitude and let your talent shine. People can be mean and rude, and I feel sorry for them because they don't know how it feels to be nice and good-hearted. I would fill up your book with positive comments about your artwork - I think you are terrific!