Monday, May 9, 2011

dear dave,

back at the studio (slow start).  Finished up some things today, but not really in gear yet after all these back issues.

Weekend was really nice, but I kept feeling like my whole body was coming off a Novocain dose.  I stopped taking meds Saturday, but the feeling persists.

(stupid Dave pretended like I had no back issues in the meantime, jumping on trampolines, moving heavy boards, and the like...)

I'm anxious to get beyond all this, but I think it may be slower then hoped for.  Sitting at my studio desk all day has left my lower back tired and achy.  Blah!


ANYWAY - suddenly it's summer!  Warm and sunny and t-shirty.  I need to get my ass in gear!!

Excited about the summer, and what's to come.

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