Wednesday, February 20, 2013

dear dave,

weekend goes by, then Monday and tuesday are busy with printing, and I don't get to write. I always mean to!

Good weekend.  It was so long ago I'm having a hard time remembering what we did.

Friday night - lion dance at cafe asia with Rhosa.  We got our lettuce for the freezer!

Saturday - printing at the Corcoran!  I was all freaked out about printing boxes for Axis -- 10 boxes, 4 sides, plus split top = 60 prints.  They turned out great - but required planning and skill.  Was really happy to finish.

Sunday - bday party at Maria's

Monday - half day.  I worked a bit in the morning, then took Remi out to Rock Creek in the afternoon, then Buzz at night after Whitlows.  President's Day.

Tuesday - printing at the Corcoran.  I'm getting a lot done, but still am behind!  print print print!

Today - VP had a big printing sale, so I worked on some new cards.  Finished just in time!

Ok - caught up.  All boring stuff.  Hopefully I will get back in a writing groove!

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