Thursday, October 24, 2013

more of the same.  (but I'm managing).

trip to XXX last night.  A little bummed to see the card racks full, and pushed off to the side of the counter.  Bad sign.  A slowly devolving move from prominent tray out front to nice rack next to register to nice rack off to the side.

Print sales have slowed considerably there, and it's becoming that awkward time when I don't know when or how to pull the plug.  Still a great tool to get the word out, but sure wish I could move pieces in and out much faster.  Now it's just turning into long term storage, and a distraction that doesn't pay off.  (GRUMPY about this…)

Slowing sales (and or turn out) always leads to self doubt and desperation.  I much prefer positive momentum!!  MCA open studios are such a great example.  Going into it everybody was so uninterested.  After a great solid weekend, we are all gung ho again.

It's hard being an artist!  Especially when things just sit, and don't sell.  Or when you feel like old news.  Or you don't know what to do.  I'm all of these things after this year.  Current venues peaked, and I've had nothing to pick up the slack.

Ok, suddenly this is turning into a pity party.  Just stream of thought…thats all.

fun shoot with Kevin today after two weeks off.  getting cold out, so I'm afraid we will be stuck inside for awhile.  But still fun :)

Excited to get all these photos on my site.

But that will have to wait (Until you know who does you know what for you know who and finally is able to move on!!!!!!!!)

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