Tuesday, May 27, 2014

feelin fine

summer here officially.  I put off a drawing too long, so needed to come in yesterday to finish it up (then felt all crabby about working on a H O L I D A Y).  But it all worked out.

Today I'm sitting here struggling again.  Drawing is painful.  Or coming up with an idea.  The spigot is just OFF.  Hopefully it will turn back on soon!

Such a cycle of despair.  I wish I could solve this problem (creativity on)  I wish I knew the secret.

Binging on Dan Savage, after springing for a subscription.  Kind of fun.

delayed moving into extra studio space, which is good.

thinking about dark green floors and white walls

need to start assembling supplies.

corcoran (summer) starts tomorrow.  so quick!  Need to make the most of it.  Hoping for lots of open studio time.

shooting with kevin Thursday.

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