Friday, January 30, 2015

scenes from the past:

there was this magical moment way back, when I first started working with Adam at BSUR.

It was mid to late summer, and he had decided to take at least a month off to bike cross-country with Jer and Chad.  That meant I was on my own in the house / office, packing orders, supervising printing, and (supposedly) drawing new designs.  This was right about the time I had just come out.

I vividly remmeber discovering my love for bjork.  I would go into Adam's room (this bazaar off-limits space that felt creepy and compelling at the same time) and put on the bjork CD.  Then I would dance and sing around the house in each room, kind of doing my work, answering the phone, and goofing off.

Creaky wood floors, sun filled afternoon rooms, and bjork screaming and singing.  It was magical.  I felt so incredibly F R E E (! ! !) and happy.  Adam was away for days and weeks, and I was on my own.  Sure i got things done, but in between I could have all the fun I wanted.  Personal fun.  Secret fun.

I realized recently that I am very much in the same "head space".  I'm here in the studio all day by myself, singing and dancing (and agonizing too).  But it's really fun and free.  I'm so lucky.  Years later I'm listening to BJORK still, and just loving it.

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