Wednesday, January 28, 2015

thoughts on cold:

It's super cold out today.  The wind is brutal.  I forgot gloves taking out remi, so I had to alternate hands in pockets.

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The studio's heat has been spotty this winter (which is bad).  No amount of window replacement can keep out the cold form all the cracks in the door.  I baracaid myself in my small office with the space heater maxed out.

I have towels at the doors, which is especially effective for the bathroom.  This afternoon I left my office, and went though the various chambers, each getting progressivly colder.

Open door, close door.  Open door, close door.

The hallway was bad enough, but the bathroom was crazy cold!  The towel blocks it in and out.  Best to be fast, wash up (COLD WATER / POOR HANDS), and back through the chambers to the warm womb.

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Getting in my car is really nice when it's park on the sunny side.  So warm and inviting.  At night it's like a cold basement.  Warms up just in time for me to pull into the garage.

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Driving to Trohv, I saw random people walking outside wearing hardly nothing.  A woman in scrubs (!!!),  a guy in shorts and a tee.  WHAT and HOW?  It's just bizarre.

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