Monday, June 15, 2015

great sweaty hot humid rainy stormy filling gay weekend.

WILD (really liked)

gay pride parade (loved the shirtless bbq that I walked by in my old q st. alley) and party for Maria at Cafe Asia later.  Fun to watch everybody having so much fun (at both venues).  Line dancing and balloons, and beautiful gym bodies and Indonesian rice and sponge cake and ronnie on gridr and the jade necklace gang.

SOO happy to skip the sweltering festival sunday, and instead go to Rockville early.  But we got back kind of late, in the heavy rain, and pretty much pooped out afterwards.  Sundays in Rockville are draining.

(hexy won parcheesi, which is good.  and the shortcake was 100% best yet)

Our tomatoes are growing wildly.  Summer is progressing.

Good day today.  late start, but I'm getting my printing done.

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