Wednesday, March 23, 2016

My studio suddenly smells like a musty hotel room when you first walk in.  Slight smell of smoker and laundry and stale air conditioning air.  It's so weird!  I wish I knew where it was coming from.

Well into the week already.  Days go by really fast.  Working on print odds and ends, and finished up a commission drawing (waiting for feedback).

got a bunch of cards in, and sent them all out.  Wish I could come up with more.  For some reason the ideas are not flowing.  And I realized today that I'm not drawing half as much as I used to.  That right there is the problem.  Way too content to recycle rather then create.

Birds are happy.  Saw a squirrel up here yesterday, so I've been rationing the food so it doesn't sit.  We put the plants outside for the second time.  Hopefully this warmer weather will stick!

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