Thursday, March 31, 2011

dear dave,

I've been doing some fun things lately. Since it's impossible to format posts here with pictures AND text together, and not have the text all up over the side of the photo, I'm reduced to just posting photos, with no captions.

All this to say: Pictures below are new speakeasy illustration, and a shirt I did for Cherry Weekend Fundraiser event at caramel this weekend.

I'm really enjoying the speakeasy gig. They are really fun to draw, and Amy is such a terrific cheerleader. It's a great thing, and hopefully a door to more.

The cherry t was fun too. I pick them up from GG tomorrow. Think they'll be great, and a big hit. Fingers crossed.


I'm so rusty and behind on blogging. I need to get back into it. I've been busy the past few days, but things have eased up a bit. But just as I write that, the second I type that out (actually while I type that), i think of the million things I should be doing, and have to do, and feel guilty about not doing right now, blogging instead.

I don't like this new hair-trigger anxious dave that I've become. I'm not sure how I got here. I want to be more relaxed. And CONFIDANT that I'm doing the right thing. Calm and focused. I want that feeling. Maybe I need a vacation.

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