Tuesday, May 31, 2016

super busy holiday weekend gardening in VA and Rockville, and working at the studio.  Got a lot of sunflower's cut, trees trimmed, gardens watered, plants bought and planted, and parcheesi played.  BBQ with strawberry shortcake, hamburgers, and corn.  All great.

Back to busy work, trying to pull together another print for CORK &  FORK.  Really glad to see Somewhere in the City sold.

Worked a lot of the website, adding a REPRINT page and buy buttons for different sizes.  Coming to the quick realization that people are willing and happy to buy online, and need to make it all as easier and straightforward as possible.  Encouraged by the results.

No time for the pool, more interested in an afternoon nap yesterday.

Summer is in fifth gear.  Lots to do!!!

a new succulent!

expensive and expansive!

make it work, home depot this morning

Friday, May 27, 2016

Today marks the official end of spring, thru the gate of the holiday weekend and into the summer.

Lots of sun and heat and humidity.  Insta summer.  Crazy.  I have my air conditioning on (thank god I have it!!!)

Productive day (that is if art is approved).  Pretty productive week, when I look at my list.  But I'm always thinking I could / should do more.  The perils of working for yourself, and not getting a regular paycheck.

Want to enjoy the weekend (holiday), and come back Tuesday ready to work.  Already thinking I better get a jump on Holidays (!!!)  Crazy, but actually not so much.  Summer is the time to prepare, because fall is always so crazy and fast (I tell myself).  Maybe this year, I will get my act together.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Busy days this week making prints, working on website, ordering cards, and editing drawings.

Finished ANDY CAT and TEXT reprints today.  They always turn out differently then originals.  I'm really happy with them though.

Midway through I realized I had to Super clean my screens, which is a toxic ordeal.  Of course then  the older screen ripped, which is a bummer, but expected.  Had a micro tear right in the middle, so the end was inevitable.  Luckily I had a spare (but no spare for the spare).  Lasted a year and a half - I guess that's good.

We have run right into summer, calendar and weather.  Memorial day this weekend, and much hotter temps.  Held off on the air conditioning today, but it's touch and go!

Finished my ARCHIVE redo, and am happy with it.  Much easier to navigate.  Now I'm thinking about adding buy buttons to it all, which is a huge project.  Mostly just figuring sizes for each, and all the tedious coding.  We'll see.

Ordered 1,000 cards.  The sale finally came through.  Always hard to swallow, but had to do it.  I really hate spending money.  Made some quick new ones to add in.  Happy with them.

Metal sign samples came out really great, but frustrated I can't make the $ work.  That lead me down the road of comparing them to my prints on wood, my overall branding, laying out MORE money for inventory and all the rest.  Maybe best to stick with wood, and try that first with XXX XXX.  I think so.

Times are shifting with Remi.  Early morning walks (5am) and then going back to sleep, deep sleep.  Then it's hard to get up, while hexy waits.  Things are always changing.  This is a new phase to conquer.

Monday, May 23, 2016

I guess the days have been going by fast!

Another monday.  The rain just will not go away.  We are being assured warmer weather is on the way later int eh week, but not really full sun.  What an incredible bummer this spring has been!!  Desperate for a string of sunny warm days.  It's dark ALL THE TIME.

Worked saturday and was super productive, and luckily it bled into today.  Lots to do, which is a great thing.  Working on invites, logos, cards, drawings, prints, shirts.  (everything)

Had a family stop in the studio friday.  What a boost!  Long time fans and supporters.  Felt great to meet them.

Ok - off to finish up with the day.  THEN HOME

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Another good day.  Got about half finished.  My list ebbs and flows.

Great meeting at Cheeky Puppy.  Excited to be collaborating.

And finished Cork & Fork print.  Excited to hang tomorrow.

Just need better weather. (bettah weathah)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Busy few days, but in the midst of it all I'm still stuck with this lingering cold.

Really sick of feeling crappy, waking up sluggish, and blowing my nose.  Hopefully overwith soon.

Good MCA weekend.  Fun to have people in, and to sell!  But at the same time I feel so naked sitting here, hoping for sales.  It's always a constant struggle - knowing how much to engage with people.  The room is small, and if I were them, I'd feel awkward coming into such a personal space.  Most the time I just say hi, and shrink in the corner.

Shirts are always good sellers.  Not so much the new stuff, but it's always hard to tell.  Each event has such a different vibe.  People are much more reserved INSIDE.  The street festivals are so much more animated.

Anyway - glad Im back in MCA, and nice to have the energy boost.

Saturday rain towards the end, and Sunday sunny, but cold and windy.  CRAZY weather this spring!

Lots to do this week, and I'm humming along.  Feeling pressed and busy, which is a good thing.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Still suffering from cold hangover, but enduring.

Having fun making NEW (!!!) shirts for the weekend.  Finally I have a bunch of new designs (based on recent drawings) which feels good.  It's way overdue.

the weather has been horrible.  Especially for spring.  Desperate for sun and warmth.  Record 15th day of rain today.  Just shitty.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

still sickish after a lousy night of insomnia and worry.  Worry about everything.  Very sucky.

: (

but clawing my way back to health.  Hex advises I focus on one day at a time, so I don't get overwhelmed.  Good advice!

Today I made 30 shirts for the weekend.  That was my goal.

Nice to be using new designs.  Really sick of the old...

Monday, May 9, 2016

crazy mess

weekend spent in bed, feeling crappy with a cold.

Now all that time is gone, and there is a lot to do this week.

Somehow it will all work out, it always does.  This is how it's supposed to go?

I guess so!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY TO REMI ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Crisis 1 > Crisis 1a > Crisis 2 > Crisis 3 > Crisis 1a > Crisis 5

Such an unsettled couple of weeks.  Little fires to put out, and big things to worry about.  I feel mentally drained and anxious.

THings to be happy about:

remi staying well

Jimmy getting stronger

Feeling happy with my creativity lately.

Working on print for Cork & Fork

And planning for MCA next weekend.

Lots to do, which is good. If everything around me stays stable, that will be even better.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

More choppy waters!




Glad things seemed to have leveled off.

for now!