Friday, October 22, 2021

 yikes - few weeks without blogging.  


so bogged down (right on schedule) with work - taking me in every direction.  Prints, shirts cards, commissions, shows.  Everything is such a project with 15 steps, with few overlaps.  Taking one day at a time and trying to wade my way through.  

The worst part, the saddest part, is it's not earning me much money.  Few things I have already been paid for, and some I'm not getting paid enough for, and SM - I'm just so curious if it helps me at all.  

So full of angst this month and year over my business.  HOW TO MAKE MONEY?  What I am doing and know how to do is not working.  I tell myself this over and over and over, but then do the same thing.  Because its comfortable.  Or its all I know how to do.  Or am willing to do.  I refuse to push myself further into other ways.

It gets me down on myself. 

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