Thursday, January 26, 2023
Sad few days with Hexy, and his mother's passing. Work has taken a back seat - really all of January. The funeral was yesterday, and today felt like Monday again (it's Thursday)
As much as I told Becky and Megan - I'm happy! I'm over the grief of last year! It all came rushing back. So things went in a different direction this past week.
Anyway, back to work today, and made more baby steps. Finally printed the Huggy Bunny on paper that seemed to be something I just always wanted to put off, but held up screen cleaning and forward momentum on other printing. Worked out well, especially on the off-white construction paper. So of course when I went back to print a second batch of extras, I screwed up the registration. SO TYPICAL!
Went to Home Depot this morning and got wood for commission, but then did nothing with it today.
Working at a snails pace. That seems to be January.
Monday, January 23, 2023
Today it came in strong > the January blahs! I finished shirts for Pixies, valentines, postcards, and deadlined commission. I looked at twitter and FB and all the rest. I did everything my little brain knows to do to AVOID the work that I've been putting off since Christmas, and then there I was, no distractions, no easy bulky projects, just the stuff that I now HAVE to do, and just don't want to. Ha - it's a sad and brutal moment!
The only way is THROUGH, so I made some microscopic progress forging ahead. January is always like this. All I want to do is play and hibernate and PUT OFF. It's just dumb. I should just take the whole month off and travel. Maybe (probably) I just need to recharge and regroup. Instead, I come into the studio and waste time doing not much, hemming and hawing about all that I have to do.
ANYWAY!! January. Cold today, but ok weather. Coming off some fun days with friends, and a terrific massage with Jeff. All is really good, my mood has been buoyant. Just today I was struck with getting in gear.
Mad that my clings were lost / stolen over the weekend. Hopefully can get them replaced. Not so happy with my Rainbow dog version. Sometimes so frustrated with my design decisions. I only have myself to blame. Should have done the cut-out.