Friday, June 29, 2012

dear dave,

super busy logistical day yesterday leads to todays fumbles.  It's 3:18 already and I'm way behind.

So happy to have artomatic complete.  Hex was an ENORMOUS help yesterday.  Got a zip truck, picked up Gaggle at Artomatic, and hung it in Ballston.  All a nightmare without help.

SUPER hot day today.  I'm staying in, but have many errands to complete, after _____ ______.

So I wait.
Hex's flowers in Virginia

Gaggle newly installed at Buzz Ballston

Desi, cooling off

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

1 more hour!!!!!!!!!
One hour down, four to go
dear dave,

last night at my 3rd "volunteer" 5-hour shift for ARTOMATIC I lost my mind.  Sitting on the empty, cold 2nd floor by myself - cell battery crashing, I decided to bolt, 15 minutes before 10.  It really took me to the end of my limit.  So so bored.  And I couldn't wait around anymore, doing nothing, waiting to be released.

And tonight - I have to do it all over again!  My body stiffens thinking about it.  I told myself that I would skip, but a little guilt from Hex goes a long way.  And the phone call last night at 10:30 asking where I was (since I never signed out) pushed me over the edge towards realizing I can't just ignore by obligation.  What if everybody did that?

I try to justify my behavior, but I really know I can't.  I just went so nuts, and had to leave.  Hopefully tonight I can get a better assignment.  I can't just sit there for 5 hours.  It will kill me.

See you at 5, artomatic.

Monday, June 25, 2012

dear dave,

good few days.  DEinstalled Artomatic today.  Relaxed yesterday.  Upgraded to LION.

not very talkative.  think I'll leave it there...

Recent events

Hexy's cukes and zukes

Productive Saturday!

Hex's Zucchini muffins

Wallowing in Great Falls

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Printing at the corcoran. Things going well. Small summer lag, but productive. Sweating out the deliveries of ---- prints. Hope they are all received well-I can't go back. Regretting our cancel of NYC, but can't change it. We do need to get away though. iMac upgraded. Excited about that accomplishment. MobileMe over--a year long stall. All is done, backed up, and working. Yay.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Good day--super super hot and humid. Drove up to mutt&joes and met with the terrific Andy. New (awesome) door opens. Cooling off at home with remi, waiting for hexy. Bagged NYC this weekend. Think it's a good choice. Cucumbers in-and they are great!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

good productive print day.  Things will just have to be.  Wrestling with my reprints - but finished a big chunk.  Maybe not exact duplicates of the original, but I think they are all swell.

Super hot outside, but I've been pretty insulated from it.

Pizza night tonight, so I better get out of here.
wednesday AM -

I'm in this weird place where I'm all turned on and stimulated by this summer "feeling", but I don't want to do much of anything.  I want to be creative, but can't seem to get drawings out.

I think I want to start something new - a summer project.  I really want to take pictures, but have had NO luck finding any new guys to work with.  Craigslist has really dried up in terms of finding models.

I've let t-shirts stagnate.  Women's for sure.  I need to refresh.  Turn the page, and get the fuck going.  I've been stuck in gear for days (weeks) now.  Anxious to push forward > > > > > > > > >  >

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dear Dave, Waiting for hexy at gym. Slow couple of days. Getting stuff done, but minimal. Happy to have finally switched servers for the site. A big giant check on my to do list. Even bought back up drive today. Progress! Not much else I want to report. Feeling internal.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

dear dave,

such a ridiculous day here at the corcoran.  I know what I'm doing - I've done it for years - yet I make dumb mistakes.

Today it's all about poor prep.  Had I done things right I could be leaving here with 5 finished Park prints.  But I didn't prepare enough wood, screens were laid out poorly, and I'm spending all my time waiting for things to dry.  I have so much time (wasting).  Here I have ALL these prints to make, limited time, and I'm wasting it.  BLAH!

so looks like I'll finish here early today.  POOR PLANNING.

Friday, June 15, 2012


What can I say - love from all directions!

For our garden, my prints, shirts, artwork.  It's crazy.  Today was just awesome.  How could I not smile?  I got so much amazing feedback and love (and even a big hug at Buzz).

Topper was meeting up with Jane tonight, so she could pick up Roadside print.  I light beam of positive energy and smiles.  Just amazing.

I feel like a million bucks!

Tanya's castoffs (she can't tolerate the smell)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

everyday has a rushed ending.  Like FAST FORWARD gets pushed at 4.  All of a sudden I have 1,000 things to do, and a deadline of 8 when I need to meet up with Mr. Hex for dinner.

Oh well.

Pretty good day.  Lagged then worked out.  Things are good.  I should be smiling more.

Meeting hexy now at mrs. pixies to browse.  then pizza night.

That makes me smile.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

stressed - waiting for ________________ to _________________.


good printing day.  park reprints coming along nicely.  Love having the studio mostly to myself, but was rattled by the clearly sick woman that came in to work.  Turns out she has Pneumonia .  Great.

Anyway, another good work day.

Things clearly slowing down as expected.  CCNOW orders still coming in, but print inquiries have tapered off.  The wave has settled.

and so will I, soon, after __________________ finally ____________.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

kind of dragging myself through my schedule.  Hate this feeling - or feeling it.  Not motivated.  But still getting things done.  I'll snap out of it soon - hopefully!

Drawing going well.  And packing up of prints (FINALLY)

Coffee with Beverly was a huge bright spot this morning.  So nice to get together and download.

Naked surfing - what a great concept!

Monday, June 11, 2012

on the cusp...

of getting sick?  Don't know, but feel a little washed out.  Drinking tons of water and not doing much, but kind of productive art day today anyway.

highly distracted by apple news that turned out pretty unexciting.  I fall for the hype every time.

Think I'll go home and rest.  Busy weekend caught up to me.

scenes from the crazy busy weekend

my summer schedule for the corcoran print studio

inks for Park print.  Took 3+ hours to perfect.

My oldest nephew graduated from high school!  

Tree box garden - bike destroyed bush Sat night

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Dear Dave, Taking a break at the corcoran. Super crowded new semester which super sucks-for me. Lots of inexperienced students milling around. Not the best. I have to be extremely patient and dial back. Only can get so much done. This weekend is so booked! Pride parade, fathers day/graduation celebration. And printing. I feel a little bogged down. Working on my park reprints-mixing colors. A special kind of torture, but almost through it. Have so many prints to work on. Trying to stay positive, and not get overwhelmed. One step at a time. Ok-break over!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

i wish i took these but i ididn't

dear dave,

good day > right direction.  Less time spent avoiding, more time spent doing.

((((notice the word "less" is used instead of the word "no"))))

Hectic few days at UPS and post office.  Mistakes all around.

Finally got on course and mailed everything out, after 1 trip to UPS, 2 to the post office, 1 wasted and one 15 minutes too early, and 2 trips to the counter (after waiting in line).

Hex just arrived, more later


anyway, things got done today -which is good.  Biggest accomplishment was getting all my wood bought and cut for PARK reprints.  A big job at Home Depot.  Plywood is HUGE and HEAVY, and I needed to be choosy and get the non-warped, close-to-perfect pieces.  1-2-3-4-5 off the pile, chose 2, then 1-2-3-4-5 back on the pile.  My back may hurt tonight.

Getting them cut can be an ordeal.  One misstep (cut so the grain was wrong direction) slowed me down.  Soooo lucky I got another guy to help me the second time, because my first helper was really over the whole thing.  I stashed the wrong cut pieces away back on the shelf (guilty).

Got 6 great pieces and a lot of terrific scrap for other future prints.  Loaded them all in the miata trunk (hanging out) and then hauled them up the studio staircase.  Next up is painting each.

These 6 pieces are going to be with me a lot the next few weeks.  Painted > off to the corcoran > printed > back to the studio > framed.

It's a big task -but worth it!

now I'm off to the gym.  I'm getting fat, and nobody likes that.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

weird mood.  I don't know why I can't kick in and work.

I just keep wanting to waste time and stall.  Check email and look for distractions.

i get things done here and there, but I know it's all fluff.  Or not what I should be doing.

Not so creative -- or out of practice.  I don't know - but I'm struggling with myself.  I don't want to be in this mode but I can't let myself escape.


Anyway - things slowing down, but still going well.

Monday, June 4, 2012

dear dave,

saturday was great.  Sold lots of shirts and cards, and everybody was really fun and excited.

Bluffed on the meet-the-artists night.  I was sooooooo exhausted from the day.  And my space is so not conducive to any kind of discussion, unless I step up to people and initiate.  Interrupt them from looking at my work to say look at my work.  Makes no sense and is really awkward.  So I just walked around, felt guilty, then left.

Still feeling really scattered and obsessed with checking email.  Not a fan of my current work habits.  They really blow.  I need to improve.  This style is crap, and I feel so crazy by the end of the day.

But - things continue to go really well sales wise.  I passed a big goal by at least 5-10%.


Friday, June 1, 2012

great day is often (not always!) followed by so so day.

I can't stay up forever.

So fucking scattered today.  NO concentration.

I want my mind to rest, but it's everywhere.  Every thought becomes a roadblock and question mark.  Things I want to avoid stay avoided.  Then I just update people to tell them that I'll update them later.

email, phone, web, shirts, prints, $, food, drink, pee, $, draw, email, music, _ _ _ _, phone, email, $, mail, email, web, drink,  shirts, email, eat, draw, rain, music, email, prints, text, email.

I feel kind of crazed.  So I put enya on.  Then checked my email.

Tomorrow is a huge day at Artomatic.  Not mentally prepared at all - but think all will go fine.

Market during the day, then Artist's Night later.  Should be a marathon of smiles and sales (hopefully!)  Plan to sell shirts dirt cheap, just to clear out this big box I have.  Interested to see how that turns out.

Ok - got to get back to finishing up for the day

(and email)