Wednesday, June 27, 2012

dear dave,

last night at my 3rd "volunteer" 5-hour shift for ARTOMATIC I lost my mind.  Sitting on the empty, cold 2nd floor by myself - cell battery crashing, I decided to bolt, 15 minutes before 10.  It really took me to the end of my limit.  So so bored.  And I couldn't wait around anymore, doing nothing, waiting to be released.

And tonight - I have to do it all over again!  My body stiffens thinking about it.  I told myself that I would skip, but a little guilt from Hex goes a long way.  And the phone call last night at 10:30 asking where I was (since I never signed out) pushed me over the edge towards realizing I can't just ignore by obligation.  What if everybody did that?

I try to justify my behavior, but I really know I can't.  I just went so nuts, and had to leave.  Hopefully tonight I can get a better assignment.  I can't just sit there for 5 hours.  It will kill me.

See you at 5, artomatic.

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