Friday, June 1, 2012

great day is often (not always!) followed by so so day.

I can't stay up forever.

So fucking scattered today.  NO concentration.

I want my mind to rest, but it's everywhere.  Every thought becomes a roadblock and question mark.  Things I want to avoid stay avoided.  Then I just update people to tell them that I'll update them later.

email, phone, web, shirts, prints, $, food, drink, pee, $, draw, email, music, _ _ _ _, phone, email, $, mail, email, web, drink,  shirts, email, eat, draw, rain, music, email, prints, text, email.

I feel kind of crazed.  So I put enya on.  Then checked my email.

Tomorrow is a huge day at Artomatic.  Not mentally prepared at all - but think all will go fine.

Market during the day, then Artist's Night later.  Should be a marathon of smiles and sales (hopefully!)  Plan to sell shirts dirt cheap, just to clear out this big box I have.  Interested to see how that turns out.

Ok - got to get back to finishing up for the day

(and email)

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