Friday, April 7, 2017

Yikes,  Friday already!

past few days have been broken up by Artomatic.  Wednesday I was there at 11:30, and yesterday and today is 3:30.  Serious torture sitting and standing around doing a lot of nothing.  The time goes by so slowly.  Wednesday I was in the pit for 2 hours - echo and white noise in a small basement room with no internet.  It really was torture.  Yesterday not so bad, but it feels like such an epic waste of time.  UGH - I really can't stand it.

Show going ok.  So big, so easy to get lost in the shuffle (I tell myself).  There is always a line for each artomatic.  Rockville - great, but bad time of year.  Hyattsville - terrible location, and time of year.  Always looking for reasons why I'm not selling as much as I want.

So, each day is a wait for my shift, and then suffering through my shift, and then being done and blah because my shift was traumatizing.  What a mess.

Tomorrow is "artists night."  I know I should go, but I know I don;t want to spend another second in the building.  We'll see...

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