Saturday, April 29, 2017

Time floating by. 

Marking the days until remi turns 15 - 6 days to go.  Every day she gets a little weaker, but then has moments where she bounces back and seems better.  It's painful seeing her like this though.  I drag her around - trying to get her outside to pee, or back to the car so we can go home, or go to the studio.  Ha - maybe she is just being stubborn.  I really can't tell sometimes.

Got my heat press, and think I'm back on track with shirts again.  Still testing new transfers to see limitations.  Think dark shirts will be out.  The "film" the others made isn't as prominent.  But overall think these will be better and last longer.  Good news.

Mothers day cards came in, and all got distributed.  Still need to add to site.

Business still really slow, which is distressing.  I hate getting no emails.  I tell myself to stay positive.
fun with Cliff

Orchids transport - out for the summer!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Rainy monday tuesday on top of rainy saturday and cloudy sunday.  Sick of the gloom.

Remi hanging in, but incrementally weaker.  10 more days to go until her 15th bday.

Went to artomatic sunday with hexy to check on cards, and was nice to be back.  Artists night saturday, then closes after the following weekend.  A good show, but disappointed with sales.  Everything slow overall. 

Finally finished X X X print, after a big mishap.  Oh well, what can I do but move forward.

New cards coming in, and heat press too this week.  High hopes

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

more angst re: ccnow. 

Discovered this morning they had cut accepted credit cards to Visa only (since jan) and paypal.  Which is a problem - and leads to more problems.  but really, solving these problems has been a long time coming.  My grip on iweb, and my 9 year old computer is slipping.

Went to squarespace and shopify and am still trying to sort it out.  A huge project to move everything over, and a big decision to make about what to choose.  Ugh.

Lots of change.  ordered heat press last night as well.  Hopeful that can get me moving on t-shirts again.

Biking home while cars in the shop

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Hexy's seedlings

Bought heat press today.  the t-shirt answer I've been looking for?  fingers crossed.

happy to be through the 2016 taxes wicket.  On to brighter things.

Waiting to here about my car in the shop -- a black cloud : (





Monday, April 17, 2017

mondays are always the pits.  non productive and full of angst.

today I stressed and worried over taxes.  pushing the send button is always so hard.  finishing and finalizing.  Making that final decision.  poor hex, i take him to the limit.

Fine weekend without all this angst.  It just comes rushing back.  Easter in Rockville, and a walk in Rock Creek, and the very haunting Nocturnal Animals.  Stuck with me.

Weather up and down.  Super sunny saturday as Hex and I marched in DC along with our fellow outragers.  Feels more feeble this time around.  Branded and more organized, and packaged.  I especially was bored with the speeches.  I hate speeches.  IDK, just feels settled.  He is going to be horrible.  he is going to fuck us over.  Our options are limited.  Eventually, one day, the country will be done with him.  But we are forever changed and screwed.

Remi fine today, but lots of peeing last night. 17 more days until she turns 15!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Good Friday (literally!)

The holiday feel was in the air.  The city deflates, and I can't help but feel like everybody has left, doing fun things.

Finished up loose ends, shipping, going to Buzz, and majority of taxes.  My eyes are driving me nuts, dry with blurry contacts.  I just want to close my eyes.

Weird sleep last night, hard with remi.  She just a little weaker everyday.  My last painful weeks with Butter have been flashing back hard -- when she could not stand up anymore.  Remi getting that way, but somehow she manages to pull her little old back legs up and gets them moving.  This morning she feel off the foot the the bed head first, just as I was about to take her down.  Shocking and crazy.  She got up, and there were no big consequences.  Bazaar.

Easter this weekend in Rockville.  Tax protest planned for tomorrow.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

another productive day --

delivered print

finished print

framed print

print(s) picked up

postcards placed

instagrams posted

cover photos revised

home > gym > lasagna

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week going by fast!

working on prints, and drawings tomorrow.  Printing slower that it should be.

Remi been coming to studio, which I love.  Every day she is a little slower : (

Monday, April 10, 2017

Saturday night at Artomatic was good.  Had a nice time with Hex, and the crowd was more buzzy.

Sunday in Rockville playing lots of parcheesi with Sue.  Miss hex coming : (  Burgers and noodleroni.

Ok day at the studio today - finished my list.  lots to do this week with printing and taxes and other side jobs.  Remi with me -- carried her almost a block because I didn't want to miss a parking space -- street cleaning days are brutal.  Poor baby, she is microscopically weaker every day, and they add up.  She can't stand or walk for long periods anymore.

Friday, April 7, 2017

commission . . .

Yikes,  Friday already!

past few days have been broken up by Artomatic.  Wednesday I was there at 11:30, and yesterday and today is 3:30.  Serious torture sitting and standing around doing a lot of nothing.  The time goes by so slowly.  Wednesday I was in the pit for 2 hours - echo and white noise in a small basement room with no internet.  It really was torture.  Yesterday not so bad, but it feels like such an epic waste of time.  UGH - I really can't stand it.

Show going ok.  So big, so easy to get lost in the shuffle (I tell myself).  There is always a line for each artomatic.  Rockville - great, but bad time of year.  Hyattsville - terrible location, and time of year.  Always looking for reasons why I'm not selling as much as I want.

So, each day is a wait for my shift, and then suffering through my shift, and then being done and blah because my shift was traumatizing.  What a mess.

Tomorrow is "artists night."  I know I should go, but I know I don;t want to spend another second in the building.  We'll see...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

worked on Monti for Mer and Growing for Buzz

hot(!) weather.

feeling laggy

goin home.

UGH - artomatic shifts next few days.  Will be glad to have the over with.

MCA meeting at Charlies last night -- went well, hope we follow through!  Seems like we are back on track.  Excited for some of the things we talked about.

Monday, April 3, 2017

out of the ordinary weekend up in New Hampshire celebrating the life of uncle len. 

Rainy late night trip to BWI, plane ride/car ride with B&A, sleepy morning, sad service, sandwiches and cookies, pizza and peanut butter cups, home improvement shows, lots of coffee, pinky eye, waiting at airport, and long trip home.

I played the role of matt, in the backseat, being carted around.  21 pilots song previews.

Nice to be reintroduced to the adult versions of cousins kids.  Really impressive all.

Back at work today with Remi, feeling whiplashed by the time and weather (snow up north).

Worked on drawing and printing (cactus like plant).  MCA meeting tonight, which I keep having to remind myself about.  I don't like meetings so much.