Friday, January 14, 2022

 Kind of sort of productive today.  Got another mini out, and a reprint.  And cards to shopmade.  


Always discouraging going to SM Canopy and Roost.  The shops there are sort of dead "closets" where nothing moves.  And then when they ask for more inventory, and I drag myself there, only to see that they don't really n e e d more after all.  Ugh.  At least, I dropped only half of what they requested.

Weather getting colder, and snow forecast for Sunday.  Funny how that taints the days ahead.  Scheduled get bent around the IDEA of snow, and you get pre-lazy.  Ahhh, Winter (january)

Miss the gym and the sauna

Growing a beard, which hex hates.  He thinks it makes me look lazy.  Could I look any lazier?  I guess so.  Its itchy and uncomfortable, but I'm committed this time to see it thru.  Something to do.  Winter sucks.

News is all dread.  Years ahead will be rocky, for sure.

Ok, well, I decided to not work late Fridays.  So time to go home!  I'll be back tomorrow (saturday) anyway, at least to pay my dreadful citi card.  December's charges are the worst.  SM check coming in soon.  I'm so scared to look at the total.  I bet I don't for a few days.  I have to psyche myself up for it.

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