Friday, October 7, 2022

 Dear Dave,

Today I turn 54, and it's a day of reflection.  Kind of a bummer - I kind of think birthdays usually are.  Like New Year's and Christmas, you have all these expectations built up thru childhood that it should be a certain way, and there is an inevitable let down.

 First year without my parents and I feel the sting, but happily it's not that bad. 

The whole Fall -- august thru now, has been a series of let-downs and misfires.  The memorial service, Labor Day with my infected tooth and emergency root canal(s) and then the build up and cancellation of Art on the Ave.  Of course, I was happy it was rescheduled, but it just left a big emotional hole.

Anyway, I keep trying to right myself, and little effort leads to little reward.  A meeting earlier this week left me a little muddled as well.  Thought it would be one thing (and $) and it was another.  Still could be good.  I ALWAYS NEED TO STAY POSITIVE.  I don't know!

Anyway, a fun weekend planned, so that is good.  And weather is finally better.  Healthy, and Emma and hex too.  Day by day, week by week.  Take it slow.

Happy Birthday Dave !

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