Monday, May 1, 2023

 up down up down up down

1st of the months always stress me out - $$$$$ goes out, and I'm forced to face the fact that not enough $$$$ is coming in.  I hem and haw all day, then finally make all my payments, resolve to try harder, resolve to work smarter, and resolved to get back on track again.

Monday 1st of the months really suck.  Today is Monday.

i spent all weekend down on myself for not getting to Georgetown on FRIDAY with the cards and prints I had prepared. I'll go Saturday!  I didn't.  I'll go Sunday, I didn't.  Finally, I'll go Monday morning - I did not.  Worked on the prints that were stragglers, finished them, and finally set off to go.  

It was a good and nutritious trip,  They are always excited to see me, and it puts some bounce in my step and fire under my ass to do all the things I resolved above.  F E E D B A C K ! ! !  It's always this thing I crave, and forget that I'm not getting enough, to my detriment.

So - time to go home.  Another day tomorrow.

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