Friday, April 27, 2012

dear dave,

a good friday.  drawing some more, which is always good.

Felt a little more centered.  Got some important things done and/or settled.

Really great time wednesday with Mer, Kim and Erin (and hexy later).  So nice to get together and catch up.  I love those dinners.

Talked some about bsur, the for rent sign, our FB reunion with everybody, and just all the crazy distant memories of people we worked with.  Mine go way back to the beginning.  It was a kick remembering to tag them all on FB.  There are so many I missed, but it's nice to realize I'm still very much in touch with my favs.

So many thoughts about the end of bsur.  I guess they are better left for my personal diary.  I never saw things working out long term.  I guess I was right.

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