Tuesday, April 3, 2012

dear dave,


All I did today was edit.  Then I found myself in an editing k-hole.  It's a slippery slope - and easy to find yourself hating the thing you are working on, editing it to bits.  Suddenly something charming and silly becomes tortured and overwrought.  And thrown away.

Anyway, I worked on cards and shirts.  Dave K was supposed to be coming for a shoot (after many many many reschedules) but it was rescheduled for tomorrow.  That left me time for changing the designs I rushed last night.  But I'm not so sure that time was well-spent.

Also worked on cards, but I'm still very unsettled with them.  Maybe trying too hard to put a square into a circle (or better put: shine a turd).  Sometimes it's better to start over.  I'll probably do that.

MEANWHILE, other more pressing things press....

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