Monday, July 12, 2010

all for nothing

Late Friday I schedule a model for Monday @ 11am, because I'm anxious to get going, excited to shoot with him, and it's his preference.

Saturday morning I stress out, because I have a lot to do for Monday, I don't have Saturday printing yet planned, and I only have a few hours to do it all.

Saturday afternoon I feel good, because I manage to get my print started at the corcoran and my underwear samples made, so I look golden for Monday.

Sunday morning I stress out, because I decide to try and add in more underwear to shoot Monday, I have a little time to pull it together, yet I cannot seem to make anything happen, run out of time, and feel really unsure about the entire enterprise.

Sunday night I stay up later then normal, trying to get things prepared for the morning.

Monday morning an email arrives, asking to push the shoot back an hour. This after I've put both Hex and Richelle off, so I can make our 11am appointment. Fine, I reply, just no later then 12.

Monday noon. No model, just a lame email about oversleeping a nap, and a request to reschedule for Tuesday.


(update) on again for soon...

(update 2) all sort of a bust. I feel a little deflated and frustrated. I want to put my head down!

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