Wednesday, August 22, 2012

dear dave,

It's been a good couple of days.  I doubled down on the speakeasy illustrations (12), and they came out great.  It was a lot of fun to work on them - but now I need to SHIFT gears.  I let some things slag.

Really happy to have new space in the studio.  Hexy and I installed shelves on Saturday.  Still not organized, but I'm really really happy with the outcome.  Open work space on the big table, and a place to put all my card supplies that is easily accessible.

Summer is getting weird, as it always does.  Fast forward to fall, but also a lag in summer.  It's like the two things are happening at once.  Like the last day of a vacation.  You don't want it to end (!!) but you're kind of anxious to get back home already.  A tension in feelings.

The studio garden is waning.  Sunflowers are bowing and drying out.  Later bloomers are thriving.  It's been a great thing to enjoy.

Ok - big plans today to be productive.  LEt's see how that turns out!

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