Friday, August 3, 2012


dear dave,

dog days of summer for sure.

Stuck inside, avoiding the heat.  Had a nice little break with Hexy, dropping off a print to BUZZ.  But for the most part I feel stuck.  Not really into working, but not really into anything else either.

Summer blahs!  I wish I could yank myself out of the funk I've been stuck in, but it wouldn't be a funk if I could!  It's all about keeping busy and getting through.  I mean, I've gotten tons done, but I always feel like I'm slacking (because I always focus on what I'm NOT doing but should be).  I keep setting up photo shoots, hoping they will give me some creative juice.  But then they get cancelled or stalled (going on 3 weeks now).

Ahhh - the perils and pleasures of working for yourself. Thank God I don't have anybody breathing down my neck (but I could use somebody breathing down my neck).

Last year I went full steam ahead into cards.  I'm hoping to find that motivation again, because it was a huge help/push for the holidays.  I have lots of awesome speakeasydc illustrating to do, and new prints to dream up.

STAY positive.

Chin up.

Soon it will be September.

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