Tuesday, May 19, 2015

good past few days.  Actually finally printing in the new studio.  I kind of stopped working on the space.  Much of it is mid move.  I have essentials out, but the second layer of things I need are going to start needing places to be.

And things keep going missing after the move.  Yesterday it was my 5&1 tool.  Never found it.  Today it's my knife.  Where did I put these things!

My body is still awkward in the space.  I need to get used to where to stand and where to be.  It's like I'm a dancer learning choreography for the first time.  I still feel all clunky walking around.  Yesterday I slid on the bathroom floor (wet shoes / long step).  Things like that . . .

anyway, nice to be getting back into the swing of things.  I'll find my way.

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