Saturday, July 11, 2020

S A T U R D A Y at the studio!

A good time to catch up, but instead I come up with Instagram ideas and then fret about the fact that nobody seems to see them because FUCKING Instagram hides them, expecting me to pay them to show the free content that I'm giving them in the first place.

So it's a loopy mood of manic creation and epic frustration, and the real stuff I need to do gets pushed off.

Suddenly commercials have reinvaded my life.  On spotify and now hulu.  ugh.  somehow this relates back to instagram...

ANYWAY - sunny and super hot.  Emma home with hexy.  Working on screw you reprint, and adding inventory to SHOPMADE system.  all in flux with them, shops reopened and I need to regroup and see what they actually have of mine to sell.  With the gtown shop move and pandemic, all is muddled and foggy.  I completely stopped creating and printing any cards.  Buzz still closed I think???

LOTS to do always.  But most important is to STAY POSITIVE and CREATIVE.  MOST MOST important.

Nice to have this place to bitch and moan again.  A place to put these thoughts.  ALL this angst!

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