Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its late, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I'm still at the studio stalling.


I'm not sure what is keeping me here, unsettled. Something about Thanksgiving that is unnerving. I don't feel prepared. Or maybe I just like the buildup more then the actual day. It will be full speed ahead to Christmas. I want to put on the brakes.

Made a fun hoodie to shoot Friday with Dave. And a thermal.

Its rough going. I'm too much in my head. The complete opposite from last year. Then everything was AHEAD. The whole year. I was just coming off working for Be As You Are, and excited about the future. I'm STILL excited, but much more anxious now. I know more what to expect.

Now I'm back in mindset of what will sell (?), and obviously, that is less free. It's full circle, but BETTER.

I'm Thankful for that.

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