Thursday, May 6, 2010

dear dave,

shitty mid morning led to ok afternoon. Nice feeling spending some money on myself.

I went to the mall and picked up a few things. Some VERY needed and utilitarian (vans), some frivolous (polka dot boxer shorts from J crew), one depressing (iphone cover, so I dont drop it anymore. I love my sleek condom-less iphone, but those days are over), and one expensive but practical and fun and retro (topsiders from J crew, just like I wore years ago).

I realized walking through the shiny, new, clean, modern, scented mall that I have been punishing myself for awhile now. I haven't allowed myself to spend a single cent, instead letting my entire wardrobe decay. Just like Clinton and Stacy say on What Not to Wear, how you dress reflects how you feel about yourself. Its time to buy some things. Of course I need to pay attention to my budget, but just allowing myself to have SOME budget is a step.

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