Monday, August 15, 2011

Dear Dave,

Busy shipping shirts, which is a great thing!  Made some good money the past few days.  More More More!

Artomatic selection came and went.  A whole big crazy upsetting fiasco.  I hold onto the germ of an idea of still doing it.  But I easily talk myself out of it.

No working this past weekend!  had a yard sale with Hex on Saturday (120) and super lazy Sunday.  The kind of regretful day.  Hot Humid Rainy Lazy Bored Blah.  You get to this dark place where you don't want to do ANYTHING, but you don't want to admit that, or it's hard when you have a boyfriend that is constantly moving, being productive, and doesn't want to just sit around.  MAkes me feel worse!

Got Remi to the park, and visited Jimmy in Rockville, so all was not lost.  Made a cake.  A great cake, and saw the Help.  So so.

Anxious to get back to cards, but feeling blocked.  They are turning out too cute, too specific.  I want them to be more edgy, artsy.  I don't know.  Excited to see them through.

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