Up and down week, but ending on a good note.
Finally, got my prints to WHARF, shirts too. Took the metro, and regretted it instantly as I walked to Dupont station with the super heavy bags in the blazing sun. Why didn't I think to take the cart????? Next time.
Nice to get out of the studio, even for a pain in the butt errand. Another one yesterday dropping off print in G-town, because I refused to just pay for the postage and ship it. It was such a psychological WALL for me to get it there. I kept wanting to combine it with a drop-off trip to shopmade, but in the end, with so many twists and turns, I finally decided to bring all the prints I had to the Wharf.
MAKE A FUCKING DECISION! It really was impossible to decide what to do, how to best spend my creative and printing time. But it's all over, and I like how it shook out.
Cat t-shirt done too. I stretched and got lighter tan tees to print on, because I just couldnt print it on black or red, the most practical and economical solution. Turned out great, and was a good choice to print on tan.
So I got more tan shirts than I needed, and now I have those. THIS IS HOW I END UP WITH EXTRA DEAD STOCK. It's weird, as much as I know not to do it, I do it anyway.
Shirt colors SO vexing. I can never find the right combo. Its either too light or too dark. Colorful but not the right color. Its weird, I'm ALWAYS unsatisfied with the choices. And so unsure on what will sell???? I will never know. never.
Drawing was painful, but I ended up finishing two that were taking a long time. Always a good feeling. But then . . . I wonder if I could do better.
Wow - this all started out much more positive than it ended.
I guess I'm frustrated with myself again.
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