Saturday, July 1, 2023

 Catch up day for branddave, which makes it weird!  July 4th came on quick, it always does.  You are just humming along in June and then all of a sudden there is the end of the month, the holiday, the evacuation of the city, and a vacuum of feelings.

Ran around Friday after typically spending the week not working hard enough, so all my projects could be accomplished before the weekend.  I always set my self up to fail somehow - stall, then run out of time, tell myself I have no choice to make compromises BECAUSE of time, and then feel guilty about it all afterward.  An endless cycle. I do it ALL the time.

Anyway. Got a lot done today (Saturday) that needed to get done.  Cards folded, shirts made.  Rushed out to Wharf last night late, and dropped the small # of prints I had made, and all the cards that sat here for a week waiting for the prints.  Of course, the trip played with my head, because when I got there the store was reorganized (good) but I was still grouped with pet products (bad).  Set me on a sour course! 

Frustrated before bed, I knew it was best to email then, and get it out of my head.  Maybe a little harsh, but so frustrated with this whole thing, ever since Steven.  UGH.

Anyway, hex off to the flea market, and tennis with Bill, so I was on my own, and feeling blue towards the end of the day.  I always feel like this on holiday.  Sorry for myself for not having the social life I envision.  And feeling stuck in a rut of home work emma tv.  

Anyway, low blood sugar leads to a low mood.  Here I am at the studio, saturday night, in my feelings.  Time to go home.

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