Friday, May 30, 2014

Suddenly the internet is my enemy! most especially facebook, which throttles all my BD posts, and loads my feed with the same crappy crap day after day.  I have 900 fans, but my posts go out to lss then 50, unless I pay.  hate you Facebook.

F R I D A Y.  I did some early chores, decided to put off Buzz run, and now am directionless.  I NEED TO RE-DIRECT.  There is still so much time left in the day.

Really really happy with my Monti cards, and wedding invites turned out great.


mysterious case of the reappearing (scratched!) bird prints at TROHV.  I'm mystified and bothered.

I can't settle on the photo section of my website.  It's such a wasteland of nothingness, yet I obsess over the layout and curation.  I know why:  I want it to be perfect.

shirts are such a thorn.  I wish I could just find the perfect shirt, in the perfect colors, for the perfect price, and be able to PRINT them on demand for an awesome price that will allow me to make money on them when I sell them.  Instead, it's not that way.  They mock me.

I'm realizing I need to step up my custom card business.  They are just really great and unique.  MORE CARDS (less shirts)




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