Friday, June 4, 2021

 HA, guess I forgot to write yesterday.

Bogged down with big project, then got sidelined with tees for wharf.  So today, after s long morning with Bill and Anne at Glenstone, I finished the tees, and metro'd them over.

And now I am TIRED!  and hot.

Glenstone was really great, but the vibe was really culty, and we didn't work thru it right.  We started with the cafe, which was so funny and spare, and expensive!

Then and comprehensive exhibit of Faith Ringgold work just sapped all our emotional strength.  I wanted to walk around more, but we had already spent hours, so we went thru the main gallery, and towards the end, there it was a Basquiat.  Simply amazing.  I can't believe I've never seen one in person.  Really really amazing, and the highlight of the whole morning.

We ate lunch at Safeway, and I got chicken, and reminded me of all my press checks at G&G, and that yummy chicken I would get for lunch.

A very very hot ride home, then work.

OK - big weekend with cleaning for hex, and the Flea Market Sunday.  High hopes for that, at least that I get rid of lots of tees that have lingered in my bins.  FINGERS CROSSED.

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