Friday, January 23, 2009

dear dave,

lame is my new favorite word. Its not new or anything, but I'm noticing that I like using it.

Tomorrow is CLASS! Still no word from megan, but I'm assuming she is in. I can see that its going to be hard juggling class, and apt. searching. It will have to work out.

I will be happy getting back in the studio. But as per usual, I'm not prepared, and feeling dead-ended over materials. I never seem to have what I need, and stress out over getting it pulled together. Tape, paper, transparency. MUST VIEW AS INVESTMENTS.

Update: my grand plan to return to lifting has been a BUST. must. get. back. on. track.

I got to the studio early today. Hopefully I can be super productive. Make a list, and check it off. Finish email, work on Beverly, plan show, make some shirts, draw, Asher, class.

model set-ups have slowed. No good candidates on the horizen. I think I will relax that for a bit, and work on other things. Have someone scheduled for Monday. Will focus on him.

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