Saturday, August 15, 2009

my biggest fan

dear dave,

I have been meaning to scan this photo of Irene. Its been squirreled away in my notebook for awhile, and finally I pulled it out, scanned it, and here it is.

Irene Wong in my first ever t-shirt.

Irene was my biggest fan, hands down, and I will ALWAYS remember her and miss her, but also FEEL her.

At crucial times in my life, I have felt her hand on me, and the only way to describe it is love. This embrace of love and caring.

She was such and inspiration, and has had an enormous influence on me and my work, long after her death. This shirt was born out of her and Jordy's encouragement, and started my career. Be As You Are would never have existed with me if it wasnt for this shirt, and the few that followed.

I remember when I made it. Some people got it, thought it was funny, but not many. Months later I was back at the drawing board, and I came up with 12 Lovers of Life/12 Disillusioned Souls and good dog/bad dog. So much history. So important to me.

Anyway, I love looking back, and remembering all the seeds that sprouted into my life today.

Thank you Irene for loving me and encouraging me, and making me laugh. I will always remember you and love you. always.

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