Monday, June 15, 2009


Ha! the story is the same each year.

MAJOR anticipation and build up which leads to massive desire, followed by shame and retreat. Then I finally breakdown and buy the new iphone in a frenzy of panic and excitement and despair.

I was determined not to break down this year, when I am most not in the need of an update. But I wanted it. I WANT IT. So I ordered one. I feel guilty, and not quit at peace with my decision, but in the end, on my deathbed, I'm sure I will feel differently.

Apple, you have me in your clutches. Always did, and probably always will.

From my first Apple Macintosh 512K Enhanced, to my 24"iMac/16GB iphone 3G, there is a straight line of happiness, creativity, and fulfillment.

ok, now I feel happy about my new iphone!

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