Monday, April 19, 2021

 7pm and trying to get out of here!  Spent the day drawing the VESPA card commission, and made major progress.  That's great.

Weather picked up later in the afternoon.  Super gloomy in the morning.  Was excited to wash off the plants on the deck with the rain.  As soon as I put them out, the rain stopped.  Of course.

Ok weekend.  Saturday I started to work a bit, but there was a really loud party next door.  too distracting to get anything done. We are talking yelling and banging and screaming.  They were having fun.

Took Emma to Great Falls after stopping at SHOPMADE for long overdue errand.  Discouraged (of course).  all I feel lately is discouraged.  By where my prints are there, and how they are selling.  Wish I had the magic formula.  Wish so bad.

Great Falls nice with Emma.  Notable was down by the river where a group of young muscular guys had stripped down to their underwear, and gone wading into the water together.  It was so strange and titillating, but of course I had to pretend like I was not ogling them, while also managing Emma, trying to get her to fucking JUMP IN THE WATER to wash off.  She can be so difficult!  A lab who suddenly gets skittish about water.  Its just bizarre.

Anyway, it was muddy, she was difficult, and all I wanted to do was salivate over these guys (I'm telling you this was just a crazy scene).  I then asked if they wanted a dog to play with (which they did!), took Emma off leash, only to suddenly realize what a potential disaster I had on my hands with all their clothes and socks and shoes RIGHT THERE, for her to steal and run around with and create a huge fiasco.  By the grace of GOD, she came to me when I called, and I got here back on leash.  MAJOR crisis diverted.  Last time we were there she made me chase her for 15 minutes all the way down the shoreline, playing keep away with something.  So now she always gets leashed there.

Long description for a short encounter.  I lingered over watching them, but they were going to be awhile until getting out all wet, so I left.  



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