Wednesday, December 30, 2009

a list


boxer shorts

bright eyes

freckles on the nose







fooling around



glass screens


happy smiles
dear dave,

Still super cold outside, which leads to dry skin, sleepy eyes, and the desire to nestle (only). Late start this morning - tending to Hexy and his cold.

NYE fast approaching. Excited for the reboot. A chance to start over, and become the person (boyfriend, son, friend, dog owner, artist, gym-goer) I always hope and desire to be.

Here's to new beginnings. It's always nice to have a fresh page!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Introducing: CARDS!

new for 2010
dear dave,

Ha - I had two classic dreams combined last night.

I was about to take a final exam for a math class that I skipped the whole semester, AND I was naked. I just remember searching everywhere for a t-square. For some reason that was needed on the test. And as I walked into class, I realized I was naked. Suddenly I had a sweatshirt to tie around my waste, but it wasn't covering well. HA! classic. I was panicked. But I was determined to take that test anyway - knowing I would fail.

These are dreams I love waking up from. All the fear just washes away.

Having coffee with Beverly this morning, so I better be on my way...

ps - did well eating better yesterday, until we went to Sheon's and I discovered the sugar cookies we brought over for Christmas Eve. I plunged right into them without a thought.

Monday, December 28, 2009


dear dave,

the food I've allowed myself to eat the past few days is disgusting. Not long ago I I was too concerned about my health to even eat a slice of pepperoni pizza. Ok, maybe it's been longer then "not too long ago".

I was at a reception for Hex's parents, and there were wrapped mints (sugar puffs) on the table, and I could not stop eating them. Thankfully, I felt sick to my stomach driving home. My body told me it had had enough SUGAR for the year, and so hopefully I will be making changes. Its IMPOSSIBLE to stop altogether, especially with a boyfriend. It just is. But hopefully I can get back on the moderation wagon. I feel like a slug!


Nice to be back to work, and feeling free to do whatever. A blessing I know. Working on site, and hopefully drawing ALOT. Seriously need new content.

Big change still simmering on back burner, but hopefully it will come together (go Tom!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

dear dave,

sitting here at the studio, crunching on Snyder's pretzels in my big giant coat, surfing all my favorite sites. A perfect time to look back, and think about the future:

It's been a big year of change for me. Working totally on my own, moving apartments, developing my artwork, starting up my Freehand line, photographing nudes, building my website from nothing, putting together a one-man-show at the Studio, caring for my mother, and seeing friendships grow and change. I'm super proud of all that I have accomplished.


Discovering how EASY iweb is, and making my site. What a revelation! I really really love the control I have.

Working with Dave K. Funny, because I didn't see how great he was at first. His height was impressive, giving him a real presence, but I didn't realize until later, when he came for an ARTOMATIC shoot, how cool he was. Hard to explain, but when you find a muse, you know it. I really love working with him, getting to know him, and seeing him grow.

Making GULL. A printing turning point, because I was able to really see the potential in printing on wood.

ARTOMATIC. A great sales success, and a terrific experience all around for exposure and development. Probably the greatest thing I take away from it though was presenting the nude photos as a counterpoint to the prints. Shooting those was such a highlight, and I will feel forever in debt to my (still) anonymous model. SO - MUCH - FUN!! I must do more. Funny, because until this moment, writing this, I haven't had the impulse to do more of it, but now I do!!

Finding my clothes rack. So cool, so me, and so free. A great way to show shirts at the studio, an all-around super thing!

Making shirts & shooting them. This has been by far the most fun thing Ive been doing. I've only just begun! Every single aspect I love - drawing, making the shirt, finding models, shooting, editing, and laying out the site. Such a blast. Can't wait for warmer weather to continue on.

One-man-show. Although this will always bring bad memories of Hex's call about his friend Ted, I had a great time organizing this show, and sharing all my new work. A good experience, and a big chance to grow.

Baked & Wired. What a great and successful run. I'm so happy I got the chance to show work there, and come in contact with so many great people. A bittersweet ending, but a terrific experience.

Pet SHop Boys (YES). This has fueled me all year. I just love it, and it's been instrumental in all my creative endeavors in 2009.

2010 will be another year of growth, but struggle too. I'm happy to have (sort of) found my creative way, but part 2 will be EXPOSURE / MARKETING / & SALES!! I'm excited to see what will happen, and confident that I will find success. I'm doing what I love, and am so blessed to have that chance.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

facebook tag -- I must say, I think it's sort of clever.
dear dave

made a quick to-do list this morning. Probably a good thing, because I have been a little "off" the past few days. Forgot my wallet at home, forgot my bag at work, and got on METRO going in the wrong direction. Just a few examples.

Forgot to get Lee his shirts (shorts according to my iphone auto correction) which I'm most annoyed at myself for. Time to buckle down a bit.

Cold and icy morning. The sidewalks have not been cleared of snow, so walking is treacherous. I'm really sick of wearing my gym shoes everywhere. And a hood. Looking forward to warmer weather, and more light. Spring is NOT just around the corner, but at least its on the horizon!

Now that the corcoran is closed, I have time at my desk to pull new things together. I'm excited to draw more, and work on my site. And concentrate on more shirts, and selling them. So much potential! I just need to see it through.

Also, I have plans for a BRANDDAVE 2009 blog wrap-up. It was a big year for me, and I want to record all the highs and lows.

For now its on my to-do list. My wonderful to-do list.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

dear dave

weird week! Sort of feels like the whole thing is a holiday. The weekend feels like it has just melted into the week. Im all mixed up.

Happy to be selling prints & shirts the past few days.

Feel like taking off, and doing nothing!

Monday, December 21, 2009

dear dave,

snowy weekend turned everything upside down, and inside out.

Worked a bit yesterday, finishing the framing on prints I managed to get done over the week. Saturday class was cancelled, and may be made-up on the 9th. Maybe a good chance to get another print in. We'll see.

Mixed emotions. The snow made things more muddled. It was nice to have the time off, but I never use it wisely. It's past now, but I feel regretful. And I'm feeling that separation anxiety again.

Feel kind of lonely sitting here. It would be easy to take a wrong turn, and waste my time. I'm doing that A LOT lately. I need to learn some lessons, and make better choices. I walked up the METRO escalator this morning. Maybe that's my start.

Friday, December 18, 2009

dear Dave,

waiting on shirts to dry. A peaceful moment in a chaotic couple of days. Sorry to everybody for all the crazyness. I feel like I need to issue a mass apology. I have tried to please everybody. I'm thankful for the work! it's just been hard to manage!

Snow expected tomorrow, which makes schedules change. Looks like no last class (probable), so I'm going this afternoon to finish. But I'm not sure I will have time. All I want to do is get out of there-STAT.

Fun random shoot with Dave this morning. It's cold, so I improvised, and we went down to a parking garage. Managed to get a few good shots in. Still loving our collaboration, and looking forward to warmer days. Really looking forward to spending a few uninterrupted days at my desk again. I'm tired of all the corcoran commuting.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

dear dave,

I am so captivated by the story of Faith, the walking dog. It freaks me out - I think it's so cool. Had to draw her today.

Going back to the corcoran, hopefully to finish up camera print. Fingers crossed!

Busy day getting things out and done. Not much to write about. boo

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

dear dave.

The simplest prints are always the hardest. Struggling with a last minute print that is only 3 colors, yet Ive hit every roadblock. RRRRRRRRR.

Hung some prints in Baltimore today. Another PROJECT! Looking for fishing line to use to hang took much longer then needed. But when all was said and done, it worked out. Except I left my hammer, and need to touch up one of the prints. The never-ending story.

Feeling anxious to call it a day. Maybe I just should. This late schedule corcoran printing is getting me down.

IVe been very project oriented lately. Looking forward to being a little more creative next week. Back to drawing, and working on the site.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

dear dave,

cool day. Met with Tom, and made plans for our cross promotion. Feel excited about it.

Meeting with J tomorrow in Baltimore. Another place to show prints. Hope it works out well.

Finishing up loose ends at the Corcoran. Feel anxious about getting everything done.

On that note, time to go back to work.

Monday, December 14, 2009

dear dave,

Spent all of my time this weekend with Hex, and I had serious separation anxiety as I pulled out of the parking garage this morning. Like the day after camp, when you miss all your friends.

It was a busy and emotional weekend. I feel like a lot of big things happened that I will need to absorb and feel. I'm in conflict.

Its funny - I leave my desk Friday night feeling a certain way. I return Monday, and so much is different. I need to realign myself with work, and refocus my energy. The weekend brings a hangover of emotions.

I have a few things coming up this week (and month) that I'm worried about. I resolve to get through them in a positive way. All I want is to stay on track, focused and healthy.

Be honest about my feelings
Open to new ideas
Cherish and respect all the people I love
Reach out to friends I miss
Forge ahead with goals
And exercise Remi till she drops.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Lost day.

Feel anxious about not getting a lot done, and things to do. Days at Corcoran are numbered! Weekend days BOOKED. Many little things to get done, and off to people. Meetings to have, things to drop off. Wood to buy (cold weather!!) Prints to finish.

I have that "late friday/weeks over/I didn't do enough" unsettling feeling.

At Be As You Are I used to go up to Kim's office, and spin in the extra chair, and vent (at 5:55, when she was getting ready to leave). I can't do that anymore. I wish I could.

Everything is FINE, I just don't feel that way.


Thursday, December 10, 2009

dear dave

one day just flows into the next. It's either 11am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, or bedtime. All continuous benchmarks for my day.

I get to work late, start something, eat lunch, struggle to get print stuff pulled together, get to the corcoran, print a bit, then go home. Ok - not all that bad, but I feel like I'm locked into this schedule because I'm trying to get stuff printed before the studio closes.

I'm stalling on signing up for the spring, because of money. At some point I'm going to magically decide it's the right moment, and just do it. I just hate spending -- anything.

Working on some print pieces for Alison. Need to pull together some stuff for Dave tomorrow (although its COLD, and I have that thing at Noon, and shirts wont be here until tomorrow). All strikes against me.

It's cold out, so I skipped my Home Depot trip. Hope that was a good choice. I'm thinking all the way to Monday. Everyday from now to then is scheduled.

Snowman sale Saturday. Studio visit tomorrow. Ch-ch-ch-changes....coming.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ha - this post started out as 3 pictures, but this one was so strong, I just kept whittling it down to one!

I could not possible love it any more.
dear dave,

Late start today. Emissions test : PASSED. Happy about that!

Have prints to work on, people to call, and things to work out. Feeling really good about the state of things though. I have a lot to do, which feels nice for a change. I feel more connected to what I'm doing.

Of course my accounts continue to dwindle. Looking at Wachovia this morning, I can't help but sweat a bit. Luckily, some $ is on the horizon.

Sunny day, which always is welcome.

Stuck on NEW ORDER song (Guilt is a Useless Emotion). Its all I have to go on, and will be worn out soon enough. But for now, it's my pulse.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


"essential tools"

dear dave,

Feel a bit refreshed. Have some things to work on. Have prints to make, shirts to make, things to sell. I'm feeling new energy in the air, and it feels good.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dear Dave,

Its been a few days since I've posted, which is an anomaly. even if I don't have much to say, I'm proud that I'm a consistent poster. I follow so many blogs that seem to have gone over a cliff lately. I don't knwo where these people are, or why they have stopped posting regularly, but I gets me out of the habit of regularly checking in, which isn't so good for them. Anyway.

Last week I was busy getting last minute prints done before our Holiday Show at the studio over the weekend. Thursday was especially funny, because I set out to print "winterberry", but kept running into external and internal roadblocks. Thru all that adversity, I actually managed to get it done, and I think it was a great addition to my overall collection. I thought for sure I was going to sell it to one woman, but over the phone her husband squashed her enthusiasm, and she left with just a shirt in hand. I think it was a great thing to have, and am excited to add it to my website. I've been getting way to dog (and animal) focused, so I need to round things out with other subject matter.

The show was pretty good, but I sold mostly shirts. I'm not so surprised by that, but would have also loved to make some more money. But the positive side is obvious: People really like my shirts (still), which is a great feeling, because I really love making them (still). I think all together they looked awesome, and I'm proud of my work. It's unique, simple, and fun -- and it makes me feel accomplished when I see it all displayed together.

I have 2 more printing weeks, so I want to make them count. Today is about catching up. Tomorrow - back to the Corcoran.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

dear dave,

It's been rough getting to the corcoran every day. It cuts the day in half.

Today I need to get there at 3:30, so I'm rushing to get some stuff done here. Looks the the studio show will be very dog-centric. Not really by design, but that is what seems to have happened.

Found a cool inspiring tshirt site yesterday. Something to emulate. Nice to feel challenged and inspired. I hesitated to write it down here, because I'm not sure just how much I plan to emulate it. Not the designs obviously, but I really like the whole feel and sensibility.

Only have a few more days to make prints. Corcoran closing soon. This is when I go into overdrive, and print like I have supposed to all along. Oh well, I respond to pressure.

Feel like I'm on a bit of an upswing. Maybe I've hit rock bottom. Let's hope so!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

dear dave

feels good to come in this morning to a clean office. Glad I spent some time yesterday cleaning up. Glad to have gotten rid of so much unused stuff.

Had a blast with Barb and Cheryl last night at 2 Amy's. So much fun to spend time with old friends. There is so much history there. It's really cool to think of all the time we have spent together over the many years: bus rides, camps, retreats, sermons, 90210, parties, dinners, birthdays, holidays, college breaks, weddings, art shows, movies. There is so much there, and I felt it so strongly as I drove home, back to my world. I value my friendship with them so much, and felt so much comfort after spending a few hours over pizza, catching up.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas 2009 - 1225 Lofts

Christmas 2008 - The Hudson

Christmas 2007 - Jimmy's House

Dear Dave,

Above is a cookie retrospective. Of course it goes way beyond 2007, but nobody took pictures (of everything) back then.
The years just go by, but we always make these cookies - and the are ALWAYS delicious!! Hex and I started making them last night. We still have 2 huge slabs of dough to go. And 100 snowmen to paint, stick, gloss, scarf, and box. All a lot of fun. It wouldn't be Christmas without these cookies. I have so many memories wrapped up in them:

-stealing dough (wrapped in wax paper) from the fridge
-frosting them with Jimmy (I frost, she sprinkles)
-picking out the thin ones with thick frosting with Sue.
-the layers of cookies separated with paper towels in the tin.
-being home from school, watching TV, and constantly going back to the kitchen to get more.

Yummm - I really love them. I brought a big baggy to the studio, and ate them all the minute I sat down.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dear Dave,

Back to work after a fun long weekend. Hitting the Corcoran today to work on Hugo some more. That will be priority number one, then show stuff. Studio Holiday Show coming up this weekend, so its full steam ahead.

ALSO, Hex's b-day is Friday, and we are mid-production on all our ornaments. We are getting a lot of requests for something besides the snowmen, so we will need to figure that out pretty quick.

BRANDDAVE has been on my mind so much. What my next steps are. Obviously I need to do more shows, and get more exposure. Now that Christmas is here, it feels like that will be on hold. But spring will be here soon.

I keep telling myself: things will work out. But I need to make more of a plan to make that happen. I need to earn my freedom again. I feel slack.

ps - took Remi to Rock Creek Sunday. She almost slipped of this ledge (above) as we walked up to it. It's MUCH higher then it looks in the picture. I almost had a heart attack.

Friday, November 27, 2009

dear Dave,

Working on the day after a holiday is always weird. But ok.

Shot pictures this morning of the happy dog hoodie. Like the hoodie, but the pictures turned out just so so.

Working on the site some more. Studio show coming up next week. And Hex's bday. Lots to do. But of course its Friday, Thanksgiving was yesterday, and I' lacking motivation. What I really need is coffee, which is skipped this morning. Never a good idea.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its late, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and I'm still at the studio stalling.


I'm not sure what is keeping me here, unsettled. Something about Thanksgiving that is unnerving. I don't feel prepared. Or maybe I just like the buildup more then the actual day. It will be full speed ahead to Christmas. I want to put on the brakes.

Made a fun hoodie to shoot Friday with Dave. And a thermal.

Its rough going. I'm too much in my head. The complete opposite from last year. Then everything was AHEAD. The whole year. I was just coming off working for Be As You Are, and excited about the future. I'm STILL excited, but much more anxious now. I know more what to expect.

Now I'm back in mindset of what will sell (?), and obviously, that is less free. It's full circle, but BETTER.

I'm Thankful for that.

dear dave,

Worked on Hugo (above), but thinking it may be a rough draft print. I think I can make the parts come together a little better. I need to make some adjustments. LOVED having the entire print studio to myself yesterday.

Corcoran closed today, so I'm going to draw in the studio, prepare hoodie for Friday shoot, and continue to spiff up the website. Ive been looking at other shirt sites and blogs, trying to figure out ways I can improve and market. I get excited thinking about things to do, but then fizzle a bit after I think about them too much. Best to be in the moment, and not over analyze things too much.

My poor FREEHAND blog. I have let it die on the vine. I keep planning to fold it into my portfolio on the site, but never get there.

When I was working on it last November I was so into it. It was a great outlet and format for daily updates. Then I started working on the site, and things just fizzled. I want to get back to that daily output. I miss it. It's such a good way to stay creative and productive.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Crazy / Hysterical. That's the only way I can describe it!

I was at the Corcoran preparing my screen positives, and left for a minute to talk on the phone. Manuel walked by. I try to stay away from him, because he doesn't have much awareness at all about what is going on around him, and usually its at my expense. One time he erased an entire blog post I was working on, after first reading it aloud over my shoulder in the computer lab.

I came back in to continue working, but EVERYTHING I had been working on had vanished. No Manuel, no woman standing nearby, and no positives. Only an unhelpful, clueless girl with earphones, who chose to ignore me.

I looked in all the trash cans, under cabinets, in drawers. Nothing. I was screwed for the day, because I didn't have any other copies to work with. And I knew he HAD to somehow be involved.

A few hours later, Manuel returned, and I asked him about it. We quickly figured out that he had swept up the pages with his large portfolio, and they got stuffed back under his stuff in his drawer below the table where I was working.

"I'm so sorry!", he said.

I rushed out of there for the day, afraid something more horrible would happen to me or my stuff with him around.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dear Dave,

THWARTED! Going to the DMV is always a cursed experience. I went this morning to try and get my registration renewed, but they are closed mondays. Second wasted trip. I will eventually get this done.

Another up and down weekend. Saturday was sort of productive at the Corcoran, but slow. I'm working on Hugo, which is a more complicated print then I've been doing lately. I need to be very careful with it for it to come out well. Going back today to continue -- hopefully I can finish.

Dinner out Saturday was a bust! General Tao's Chicken was not all that it was cracked up to be. I still shudder thinking about the sweetness. Yikes!

Hex and I started our pies, and snowmen. That's good!
dear dave,

got this email over the weekend:

"20 bucks for a shirt with a retarded graphic? Are you serious? I'd take it if it were 12, but 20?? People try to make business with anything these days..."

What a nice guy. Thanks Frankie Martinez for taking time out of your day to let me know your feelings.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Jack - one version

dear dave,

fun day so far, shooting new shirts, changing up website, and posting on facebook. Quick shoot with Dave. For some reason he has grown out of the medium shirts, which is weird. It's almost like he is in between sizes now. Frustrating for me, because I make stuff to shoot, and it doesn't fit well. It should! he looks good in everything though.

Short week next week. I need to plan for next Friday NOW (hoodies and thermals)

Planned to get to Corcoran, but time just flies by. Its already 3:17. UGH!

Tire fixed, so I can go on my merry way. Into the future. What will it bring?

Ive been so pessimistic lately, but not today at all. What drags me down, and why can't I just let it go?! I wish I knew the answers, because I sure feel good now.

ps - Im always so curious about my facebook fans. Watching the numbers is really addictive. What makes people fan me, and even more curious, unfan me? I guess some people don't like their feeds cluttered with pictures of t-shirts and random stuff about what I'm doing that day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

dear Dave
taking metro to studio, because of the nail that gave me a flat tire last night. sucks. 2nd nail in 3 months. That was an expensive Chipotle!

Probably won't make TD's opening later, but not ruling it out completely. I'm thinking it would be good to try and go.

Walking to the station, I started to fret that my prints are going in a country kitsch rustic direction. I don't want that. I need to watch this, because it's really not the way I want them to be. Maybe it's time to lay low on the dogs for a bit.

Big plan changes today. I was going to get wood and thermals this morning - but that has to be nixed.

(at studio now)

Good session at the corcoran yesterday. Short and sweet. Finished Jack and the larger dog. Next print project is WONG NEVER RIGHT.

It Thursday -- time to set up my Friday and Saturday. I consistently mess this up, so I need to stay focused and work this out.

Fingers crossed.

EXCELLENT GLEE last night. I'm loving it - and buying all the music.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

dear dave,

working today on odds and ends. Yesterday at the Corcoran I put finishing touches on a few things, and started my Jack print. Going back tonight to finish it up. I painted one version, which I think I like. Interested to see how they turn out.

Starting the new print for Siu also. Good to have something specific to work on. Ive been scattered (again).

Studio show coming up. Need to promote!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Dave,

Late to the studio because I trekked out to Rockville to get some thermals to print on. Didn't really find what I was looking for, so maybe I will just stick to what I have.

Made a pact with myself yesterday that I would definitely go to the Corcoran today, and finish up my prints. Time in the afternoon just seems to dissolve. I keep avoiding printing for some reason. Not such a good thing. Drawing too. Hmmmm.

Loving the Glee soundtrack. Maybe not a meal, but a good snack to hold me over for the next few days.

Thinking HUGO might be drawn, but not sure if it's done done. We'll see.

Monday, November 16, 2009


dear dave,

Above is a bad iphone shot of the print I worked on Saturday. Going back to the Corcoran today to finish it up, and start JACK.

Ok weekend. Ups and downs. Went for a terrific walk in Great Falls with Remi Sunday which nourished me. Third Sunday in a row, which is really nice. A good time to be alone with my thoughts, and not so distracted. I really really love the woods. And that trail is magical.

Last night Remi threw up a whole bird! She must have eaten it in the woods. Really grosses me out. That's all I have to say about it.

Still feel a bit stuck in my funk. Worked hard on HUGO friday, but I'm still not there. Haven't looked at it today--hopefully I can figure it out soon.

Friday, November 13, 2009

dear Dave,

I put off taking pictures today, thinking it was going to be rainy. Well, it's not so rainy, but probably best to put the shoot off anyway.

Things are going along. Not much to report or write about. Entered a print show, worked on my site, finished Gayles cards, worked on Hugo drawing. Everything is in-between.

Feel pulled in many directions this weekend, and in general. Where to put my energy (?) seems to be the running question. I know I am avoiding things. That is probably what continues to weigh me down. That is where I should put my energy, but I don't.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Dave,

I need (MUST) find some new music to fuel some sort of creative surge I'm desperate for! Pet Shop Boys have been spent long ago. Kanye West played a major part of my holiday season last year. Who can I turn to? I need FUN. I'm considering Robin Thicke, for old time sake. Maybe.

ANOTHER rainy day. Rainy and cold.

Im going to try to pull together my CD for the print show, and continue to work on Hugo. And of course the website.

Everyday I just muddle through, looking for that elusive creative spark. It's like eating when I'm not hungry. Such a drag. But I'm lucky. So super lucky. I need to remember that!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

dear Dave,

Coming in today, I decided to get my post office errand out of the the way. Packing tape and pen in my bag, cumbersome box in my left hand, umbrella in my right hand, I trekked the long wet slippery leaf strew sidewalk up the hill to the post office.

Hmmm - the parking lot is empty, how strange.

It took me awhile to finally realize the post office was closed - VETERANS DAY. So I walked back to my car, defeated and kind of frustrated.

Driving to Starbucks, I was listening to stories about solders on the radio, and felt so much shame for being so incredibly out of touch. All the suffering, and bravery, and death. One author was talking about a soldier who lost both legs, most of both arms, and was severely burned. His ears, the tip of his nose, and his eyelids eventually had to be removed. He had to wear self misting goggles to keep his eyes from drying out. It's so gruesome and tragic I can't even stand it.

Thank you veterans for all that you have done. It's really impossible to thank them enough. But keeping them in my thoughts is a good first step.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I seriously love this - underwear shoot featuring morning wood in WAD magazine. BRILLIANT. Maybe I should buy this magazine. I will consider it. I have banned myself from buying any more. I have TONS already. But this might just be too great to pass up.

Sunday Hexy and I were in Ms. Pixies, and they had a huge stack of old-ish WallPaper magazines. Some were from 1998-9, and I quickly gravitated towards them. So cool to see the changes. It was always ahead of it's time, and you seriously would have a hard time seeing that it was 10 years old. There were a few that I was tempted to buy, but I easily managed to talk myself out of it. Some of those Gene Meyer ads though! Classic.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dear Dave

Above is the sign for the Shaw Dog Park. Funny how it came to be...They asked me to make a logo for fundraiser t-shirts. I suggested they do shirts with funny dog designs instead, partly because I wasn't so into all the back and forth a logo can generate, and thought they had a chance to sell better.

I sent them a few designs, but they couldn't come to a consensus about which ones to use. Then they saw my happy dog shirt, and wanted to use that. I added the text, and they ended up using it as a logo. Full circle.

Anyway - looks good. They designed the sign, and added the color. Glad I could help them out.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

saturday today.

Stopped into the studio for a second, then off to the corcoran to print (what?)

I'm constantly lagging behind. Looking forward to getting ahead.

Fun shoot with Dave & Nana. It's getting cold outside, so I'm not sure how much longer we can be out.
Long sleeves were sort of a bust. I need to go up one size, or drop it all together. We'll see. In the meantime, I;m going to return my mini supply of mediums. Anywhere I can cut financial corners, I will.

Friday, November 6, 2009

dear dave,

waiting for Dave K, thinking about doing a few more shirts to shoot. I have the time (just barely). But I don't have ideas.

Have a wonderful hoodie to put up on the site. Thinking it probably won't fit Dave well since he is so tall, but hoping. We'll see.

Feel scattered. Still. Working more on site. Really happy with my progress yesterday. But must keep pushing on it.

Got some wood, but not sure what I want to print next. A few big projects are finished, so it's always hard to start up the next ones. Where to go now?

I'm all over the place. Hopefully the shoot will go well.

So many hopefullys!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

late post today.

weird days.

Not hearing from many people, so I feel like I am on a little island. I'm working on my website, which has been going well. But it's so strange. I make so many changes and adjustments, but rarely hear any feedback about them. It just feels odd. It's getting me down lately. I feel like I have lost momentum.

I see other people get so many comments from their readers and fans. It's all so interactive. I don't what the secret is to that. What makes some people so magnetic? So engaging? I just don't know.
Working on some long sleeve shirts to shoot tomorrow. Got an AWESOME hoodie, but I'm afraid it will be too small for Dave, considering he is 6' 7". Fingers crossed, but I doubt it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dear Dave,

ROUGH night and morning, but I actually feel better! Hope beyond hope that this feeling is here to stay for a bit. I've been feeling so crappy physically and now mentally for too long.

I had a shoot scheduled for this afternoon, but it was postponed. Happy to have the free time to catch up on projects that have been lagging. I actually made a list, and it filled the page. Desperate to be and feel productive. But it's been hard to find the right girls (women) to photograph. Hopefully things will work out with C next week.

Studio is filled with busy people, making things. Nice to have everybody around for a change.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dear dave,

still dragging. Finished this print this afternoon.

Working on finishing PRINT section for site. Then onto the portfolio part. So not happy with my current solution.

I wish I could feel better, but I don't!

Monday, November 2, 2009

worked on printing this today. still needs to get a few more colors until it's done...
Dear Dave

Still feeling pissy about Baked & Wired, and all the drama surrounding that. I want to just blow it all off, and it's resolved, but it still bothers me.

Saturday was another non-printing day. Sunday was spent lazing around the apartment with Hex. He still doesn't feel 100%.

Now it's NOVEMBER, time to rally. I really have been struggling the past few weeks. Dragging. I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel like I'm in a creative funk, and can't fully pull myself out. I've been avoiding dealing with it. Its all just a big vicious cycle, punctuated by gloomy rainy weather, sick dogs, sick boyfriends, recovering mothers, and disappearing sisters. I don't find it hard to feel lousy at all.

I get bursts of positive energy, but it doesn't seem to sustain itself. I guess that is where discipline should kick in.


Things will change. I just need to focus on staying positive.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Dave,

Shitty start to my day today. Can't write details, but the whole mess really bummed me out, and threw me off.

Had another fun photo session with Dave (and Nana). Went to the Cathedral again, and I think that was a good move. Thinking it's time to get into longsleeves. Henleys turned out fun. All in all a success.

Spent most of the rest of the day revising my site, and licking my wounds. Fridays are never as productive as I expect them to be. The time just drains.

Tomorrow is another Corcoran saturday. They come up so fast. I don't know what I do with my time. Squander it? Have ideas for prints, but once again, I am so unprepared.

Yikes to everything. Yikes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dear Dave,

Busy day doing nothing (really). Feel unproductive. Not much to show for it.

Submitted a design to Threadless, to test the waters. REJECTED! I'm sort of shocked. I'm just not their style. Oh well.

Worked on Show postcard, which took much longer then expected. Much longer...

Need to get some shirts ready for Dave tomorrow. Behind as usual.

Meeting Inga tonight to do the Pug exchange. A long time coming!

Hopefully I can be more productive in the next few hours. I'm not feeling so optimistic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Friend of the Week (11)

MJM - thanks for your support!